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First and foremost, all students involved in Spotlight Productions must conduct themselves in a Christ-like manner. No swearing, bullying, gossiping, disrespectful attitudes, gum/candy, weapons, off script physical contact, drugs, alcohol etc.  We prefer that our students do not date each other while enrolled, but if this does happen, we will not allow public displays of affection in any manner at any Spotlight events (rehearsals, productions, parties etc.)


Because of the limited time frame of each TEEN TROUPE production, attendance for TEEN TROUPE REHEARSALS is extremely important. *No more than 2 absences are allowed for each session. If your student has a large role and then finds that he/she needs to miss more than the absences alotted, an understudy will be brought in. We will try to find another spot for your student but it is not a guarantee.


Everyone must be ON TIME and commit to staying until they have been dismissed at the end of the rehearsal. Please make appointments on days other than rehearsal or class days for your student so that they will not be arriving late to rehearsal or leaving early. Missed time in rehearsal is considered an absence. 

Tech Week is MANDATORY for each cast member. BEFORE YOU DECIDE TO COMMIT TO A PRODUCTION WITH Spotlight, PLEASE MAKE SURE THAT YOU CAN BE THERE FOR THE TECH WEEK REHEARSALS. Everyone needs to be there for the ENTIRE rehearsal time--no arriving late or leaving early. Please make sure that your calendar is cleared this week before you decide to take part in a production session with us.


We understand that there are times when Spotlight students may be involved in other shows or productions with other companies. As long as students abide by our attendance policies for their sessions with us, we no longer prohibit the crossover.

For each production, the cast is given lines to memorize. There will be a date during each session that lines are "due" (the off-book date) and scripts can no longer be used at rehearsals. Because of the limited amount of rehearsals, we cannot be lenient on line memorization. We will check with students a couple of weeks before the off-book date. If it looks like they will not have their lines ready in time we will call in an understudy to take their place. We will try to find another place in the production for your student, but it is not a guarantee. Line memorization by the due date is a MUST. 

All dress must be appropriate for drama rehearsal.

  • Girls--no shorts, skirts or dresses.

  • No inappropriate pictures, words or advertisements on clothing

  • No flip flops or slip off shoes. Please wear closed toed shoes with socks to each rehearsal. There will be absolutely NO BARE FEET allowed at rehearsal or on stage.

  • No spaghetti straps, no low cut shirts, no strapless tops, no visible bra straps, no form fitting clothing. Please keep all clothing loose and comfortable.

  • Please keep hair pulled back and out of eyes and off of face


The entire cast is expected to clean up after rehearsal, removing trash they left behind and straightening up the backstage area for the next day’s rehearsal. No one is allowed to leave without dismissal permission. After performances, no one is allowed to leave until the church has been cleaned and you have approval from the director to go.


Parents are expected to volunteer in some capacity: cleaning, selling tickets, helping with group emails, set up/clean up for meals on performance days, organizing meals for performance days, bringing food, running lines, helping with costumes (pre-tech week), supervising clean up etc.


There are no friends/siblings/visitors allowed at rehearsals. There are no friends/siblings/visitors allowed backstage during performances. If you bring a friend/sibling/visitor to a Spotlight Productions OKC social event, there will be a $10 charge per visiting guest.


There may be times during rehearsals that you are not in the scene and have some “down time”. You may bring a book or something to work on for this time. If you choose to listen to music during your “down time”, it must be a solitary activity and headphones must be used.


Students in the cast must remain in the auditorium at all times during rehearsals. No one is allowed to leave without permission from the director.


PLEASE CHECK YOUR EMAIL OFTEN. All cast information will be sent via email or posted on the Facebook page. We will post notices on social media to let everyone know that emails have been sent out. You can follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram as well.


We expect all cast members and their friends and family to respect our host's facilities and staff in all manners.


We have made a change to our guidelines. Check it out!


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Like most community theater organizations, ticket sales and class tuition make up only a small portion of our annual budget.

The rest comes from corporate sponsorships, and perhaps most critical – individual donors. Please consider making a monthly or annual donation. Thanks to all who contribute!

Donations are tax-deductible.

Spotlight Productions OKC is a division of Revolution Entertainment, Inc. a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization.

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